Minnesota Jobs Coalition Calls on DFL Leaders to Condemn Rep. Omar’s Anti-Semitic Comments

St. Paul, Minn. – In response to Rep. Omar’s newest anti-semitic comments, Minnesota Jobs Coalition executive director John Rouleau called on Governor Walz, Lt. Governor Flanagan, Speaker Hortman, Majority Leader Winkler and Minority Leader Bakk to break their silence and condemn Rep. Omar’s repeated anti-semitic comments.
“Rep. Omar’s most recent comments aren’t an isolated incident and it is past time for Minnesota Democratic leaders to condemn Rep. Omar’s shameful anti-semitic rhetoric. For months, Minnesota Democrats have been silent on Rep. Omar’s repeated anti-semitic tropes. With national leaders in the Democratic Party like Speaker Pelosi finally speaking out, where are Minnesota’s leaders? Do the right thing. Condemn her hurtful comments and demand she apologize.”